Becoming Conscious: An Experience Through Time
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Duration: 1 Hour
Donation: 24€ (Incl. 2 people, then +6€ for each additional person)
This 1-hour transformative guided visualization and meditation takes you on an extraordinary journey through the realms of awareness and beyond. Begin by awakening to a deeper level of understanding as you journey through the evolution of consciousness. From this heightened state of awareness, you'll be guided into the void state, where infinite possibilities exist. This immersive journey offers a unique opportunity to transcend the constraints of time, and invites you to shift into a more expanded expression of your life force energy. Ideal for those seeking profound self- discovery and spiritual growth, this experience will guide you through the essence of duality, helping you find clarity, balance, and a renewed sense of connection to life and all the mysterious beauty it has to offer.
Meditative Trance Dance Experience
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Duration: 1 Hour
Donation: 30€ (Incl. 2 people, then +6€ for each additional person)
This transformative journey of guided meditative trance dance invites you to enter a space of healing and self-discovery through authentic body movement. Each session offers a unique theme - whether it is forgiveness, self love, ancestral healing, chakra balancing - allowing you to connect deeply with your inner self and the energies that shape you life. Immerse yourself in rhythmic motion, guided visualization, and soulful music that will transport you into a state of deep trance connection. Unlock the power of your body and spirit, and experience the freedom to heal, love and expand in a safe and supportive space.
Myths, Stories and Legends
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Duration: 30-45 Minutes
Donation: 23€ (up to two participants)
Stories have accompanied humanity since the beginning. They are a means of transmitting deep, ancestral knowledge. Secret wisdoms have been transmitted in the form of myths and legends. The symbolic language of stories is the same language of the unconscious and the soul. I propose to penetrate the legendary world and remember.
I Hear You, I Recognise You
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Duration: 1 Hour
Donation: 50€ (individual session)
Deep listening is going beyond words, it is penetrating the intermediate spaces to access the essence. My talent is to translate the language of the soul to decipher the messages encoded in life events and thus shed light on experiences and undo knots. Every life is a fascinating epic adventure. Everything that happens to you, what you feel, what you think is part of that magnificent work that is your existence. Maybe we'll talk about psychogenealogy, synchronicities, and other forms of symbolism in your life. We'll see where listening takes us.
Dream Interpretation & Exploration
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Duration: 1 Hour
Donation: 50€ (individual session)
I have been exploring dreams and their messages for more than 20 years. I have heard hundreds and hundreds of dream stories and they never cease to fascinate me. Dreams are portals to dimensions, often hidden, of our reality. Dreams provide us with many keys to understand our behavior and emotions and give us hidden treasures in our unconscious. My beginnings in the study of dreams have been through the works of Carl G. Jung; with time and experience I have been incorporating other ways of approaching, deciphering and dancing with them.
Mayor Arcana Tarot Card Reading
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Duration: 1 Hour
Donation: 50€ (individual session)
The Major Arcana of the Traditional Tarot of Marseille show the path that a being travels in its search for expansion of consciousness. It is a deep and mysterious tool that goes far beyond divination. It is a way of shedding light on vital moments and events, showing their archetypal, emotional and psychic imprint. If you want to see more clearly what you are experiencing, make a decision or better understand the path you have traveled, the Major Arcana of the Tarot of Marseille can give you keys.